Prague Arrival.

Two days from when we left Kona, we arrived in Prague, the Czech Republic. Accounting for the international dateline, it still makes for about 24-30 hours of non stop travel. At the airport, we changed a small amount of money and instead of trying to do figure out the trams from there, we elected to get a cab. We'd been warned about some of the cab drivers who weren't FIXED pricing. They might rip you off. Sure enough, I stupidly didn't ask the price to the hotel and the driver rippe3d us off for about $15 US. Not a great way to start the trip. Suspecting I'd been jacked I didn't leave him a tip. In the future, I will know!

We reached our hotel, the Hotel Iris Eden. It's in Prague 10, about 15 minutes from the city center. The price was right, about $50 US per night. I wondered if it would be okay and it totally was.  Here, you can see my review at the top of the heap. So glad to get to our room and just relax after a long two days of traveling. There's a mall conveniently located on one side of the hotel, in a big self contained building with virtually no signage, so we didn't even know it was there until we started walking around and seeing other guests go in. We had McDonalds our first night (I know, I shouldn't admit it... and went to sleep around 6. That McDs would later prove to give us a BIG problem, sure glad it wasn't on the night we arrived!)


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